Payment & eCommerce
There are many payment providers. In addition to various solutions from BANKSapi for A2A payments and direct debits, intelligent analyses are the decisive factor for increasing sales and minimizing risk.
Discover with BANKSapi how you can increase your business success with smart and affordable payment solutions.
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Smart payment method for online shops
Our Open Finance platform offers e-commerce providers powerful tools to optimize their processes. From secure and automated payment processing to in-depth data analysis such as purchase probability and credit rating - we offer everything you need to optimize your business processes and better understand your customers. Use our customized white label solutions and advanced analytics to strengthen customer loyalty, increase sales and gain valuable insights into purchasing behavior. Discover the future of eCommerce with BANKSapi.
Simple Checkout Payment Solution
BANKSapi offers a user-friendly payment solution via bank transfer for e-commerce checkouts. With an intuitive wizard, similar to other well-known payment services, the payment process is simplified and offered in co-branded or white label. The solution offers the convenience of an e-commerce payment experience, integrates seamlessly into the checkout process and strengthens brand loyalty.
Bank Transfers & Direct Debits
BANKSapi simplifies the processing of individual and collective bank transfers and direct debits, including SEPA Instant. Our solution automates payment processes, reduces errors and minimizes manual intervention. The standardized API interface ensures simple integration.
Risk-Free Payment Options
BANKSapi offers payments via XS2A/PSD2 interfaces that are not reversible for customers. Once authorized, payments cannot be reversed, which eliminates the risk of payment defaults and increases financial planning security.
BANKSapi offers seamless integration of EBICS (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard) via a standardized JSON interface. Support for Distributed Electronic Signature (VEU) ensures efficient rights management without the need for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) every 180 days. This solution optimizes payment transactions and simplifies the central management of payments, including chargebacks, refunds and partial refunds.
Supporting Automated Processes
Our platform automates essential financial processes such as payment processing, refunds and settlements. BANKSapi reduces manual intervention, lowers operating costs and increases process speed, allowing providers to focus on their core business while financial processes run smoothly in the background.