Open Banking meets

Our regulatory solutions in comparison.

You have a need, we have the technology
(and the licenses)

Fully integrated, or with a simple jump.


„Plug & Play banking without media breaks“

Your requirements:
  • • Integration of banking functionalities without media discontinuity
  • • Maximisation of UX through customisation of banking components
  • • Outsourcing of PSD2 compliance
Our solution:
  • • Takeover of the application’s technical operation in our German high-security data centre
  • • Assurance of ZAG conformity
View REG/Hosting


"AISP and PISP to go"

Your requirements:
  • • Provision of banking use cases
  • • Minimisation of the integration effort
  • • Outsourcing of PSD2 compliance
Our solution:
  • • Simple integration of BANKSapi micro-frontends into the UI via Iframe
  • • Assurance of PSD2 compliance
View REG/Protect
BANKSapi is regulated and approved by the
BaFin Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht

We have the perfect solution for your requirements. Let's talk about it!

Use our contact form

Give us a call and we will talk briefly about whether and how we can help you: +49 89 - 121 408 82